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Emergency Watershed Protectin Program Update

Emergency Watershed Protection Program


               The Powder River CD and the NRCS want to take a moment to update the community on our Emergency Watershed Protection Program Projects as there are many of you who will be affected by these projects or see the benefits from them. We would like to thank everyone for their continued patience as we work towards completing these projects.

  • The Sahara Diversion EWP project was designed to repair streambank erosion that occurred during the 2015 flood. Construction began on this project September 30th and is well underway, we tentatively plan for construction to be completed by the end of October.

  • The Harold Jarrard Park EWP project is currently in the final design stages and permits have been requested from the Army Corp of Engineers. At this point it is projected that we will have a final signed design by the beginning of November and permits soon after. This project has been delayed due to permitting from the Army Corp and NRCS engineers are modifying portions of the design to meet the requirements of the Army Corp. There will be no significant changes from the draft design issued to the landowners.

  • The Nolan Diversion EWP project is still in the draft design stages and the NRCS Engineers hope to have a final design to the PRCD by January 1, 2017. Permits will be filed at that time.

The Harold Jarrard Park and Nolan Diversion projects will have a formal bid process and pre-bid site visit, but at this time those dates have not been set. Please continue to watch the Voice for bid notices and do not hesitate to contact the PRCD or NRCS with any question that you may have.


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Area I Employee of the Year



            Anita Bartlett, District Manager for the Powder River Conservation was named Area I Employee of the Year at this year’s area meeting held in Buffalo, WY on September 13th. The Conservation District’s Area I includes, Sheridan, Johnson, Campbell, Crook, and Weston Counties.

            Anita began working for the PRCD in the spring of 2006 and since that time has immersed herself in her work and community life in Southern Johnson County. She promotes programs, encourages participation and educates the youth of the community.  She is a valuable resource for education and information and willingly volunteers her services to all who ask. 

Anita continues to expand and develop programs that serve the Conservation District.  Those programs include such things as: Youth and Adult Education, Well Water Testing Day, Water Quality, Tree City USA, Rural Cost Share Programs, and Sales and Service. This past year Anita was also instrumental in working with the NRCs, County Commissioners, and local landowners to administer the Emergency Watershed Protection Program Projects with works to repair the damage from flood waters in 2015. These projects stabilize stream banks and irrigation structures.

Anita when not busy with District works tirelessly in her community. She is the Secretary/Treasurer, Jr. High Bible Study Teacher, and assists with the Youth Group at the First Southern Baptist Chapel. She serves as a tutor for the local Boys and Girls Club in Kaycee during the school year, organizes local fundraisers, takes photos for the Kaycee Voice, and installs drip systems and does yardwork for the elderly. Anita is also highly active in the local 4-H program were she volunteers for a variety of activities and serves as the sponsor for the Powder River 4-H Club.


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Powder River Conservation District, Wyoming