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Emergency Watershed Projects

Upcoming Emergency Watershed Projects


The Powder River Conservation District (PRCD) and the NRCS has obtained funding to complete 5 Emergency Watershed Program (EWP) Projects this year. Though as start date for these projects is unknown with the current pandemic we are hopeful to get started following high run off. These projects are due to the 2019 flooding event and will be a much needed
improvement to the community.

Working West to East, these projects include, the Harlan Streambank and Diversion project, which will include the stabilizing of the stream bank and the replacement of a diversion. The second project is the replacement of the Moffet Irrigation Diversion and the stabilization of streambank of the Middle Fork of the Powder River. The third project is another Diversion and streambank stabilization project on the Gosney Diversion. The next project is within the Town of Kaycee and will work to stabilize the bank from the Old HWY 87 Bridge to the Harold Jarrard Project the PRCD & NRCS Completed a year ago. The final project is the repair of the 15 Mile Water Control Structure.

We are looking forward to working with the landowners and NRCS to complete these projects and we will be keeping the public up to date on the projects as we move forward. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.


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Powder River Conservation District, Wyoming