PRCD Begins Long Range Planning The PRCD wants to hear from you. Every five years the District is charged with the task of developing a new Long Range Plan. This plan becomes the foundation on which our future plans and projects will be based. The PRCD is locally funded and as a local taxpayer we feel you should have an invested interest in our planning process. We would appreciate your recommendations on where the natural resource problems are in the district and how we can work together to solve them. We encourage you to fill out the Long Range Plan Survey that was sent out to you a few weeks ago and return it to us so we can benefit from your opinions. It is the intent of the PRCD to send a survey to every household within the District, if for some reason you did not receive one and would like to give us your opinion additional surveys are available at the District office. Please feel free to contact the PRCD office or any of the District Supervisors with questions or comments.